
Quick Resources for the Sturgeon Release!

Here are some of the key resources you can use to prepare your students for the Juvenile Sturgeon Release.


All our videos are great, but Video 10 (Hatchery), Video 9 (Life Cycle) and Video 4 (Predation) are very helpful to prepare for the release.


Lesson 3-2 explores the sturgeon life-cycle. Review this ahead so students have a good sense of how the sturgeon life-cycle is different to salmon.

Where is My Fish?

Search through the Where is my Fish? database to find a fish you or your class has released in the past. Check out Mya - the fish that got eaten by an otter!

School Sturgeon Calendar

To keep up-to-date on all things related to sturgeon and the watershed, bookmark the Classroom Calendar so that you can use it everyday with your students! There are specific calendars depending on your grade level, so click below on your grade and the link to the calendar will be at the top of the page.

NWSRI Educational Resources

We are continually updating and adding to our library of educational resources for teachers and students (updates for school year 2022-2023 now online!). We have organized our resources into grade level for easy access for teachers and students looking for grade appropriate materials. We have pre-planned lessons, activities, videos, slideshows and much more. 

K-3 Grade 4-7

Grade 8 -10